Friday, December 4, 2009

Dr. Maria Corazon de Ungria

Dr. Maria Corazon A. De Ungria is one tough woman.

When most of the women are busy cooking, shopping or socializing with their friends, Dr. de Ungria is in the University of the Philippines National Science Research Institute (UP NSRI) DNA Analysis laboratory dealing with human body parts.

She plays a major role in resolving forensic cases as requested by the university, government agencies and private clients.

Dealing with cadavers is one thing but what’s “mentally and emotionally straining” for her is seeing the sufferings of those who are alive but couldn’t find justice, those who were victims of abuse and heinous crimes, those whose human rights were violated.

But these were nothing compared to the perks that she get from this job. For her, being a scientist is a very challenging and mind stimulating job which she enjoys a lot. She loves to answer the questions that would reveal the truth which means resolving the case. She also enjoys helping the students appreciate science. “Compensation is not great but people will find satisfaction..”. She adds that she get to experience the best and worst of one world. She can talk to policy makers or the urban poor. She can stay at a hotel or in the slum. Wherever she may be, she tries to “touch the hearts of people” that she speaks with. As she said, “ my small little ways, I can help people have a better life.”

“Science. Science. Science.”

One may conclude that Dr. Ungria has been born for science. Her mind has always been set to science and never imagined to be in any other field and studying in Philippine Science High School has helped empower her passion. She took her Undergraduate and Doctorate degrees in The Macquarie University and University of New South Wales, Australia respectively, where she was given partial scholarship.

Much is given, much is required

“Everytime I asked and sought assistance ...people have reached out to help me.”
After graduation, she originally planned on taking a worriless, stress free vacation at home. But it only took more than a week for her to magnify her calling as a scientist. “I got bored so I told my parents I will be going out. I went to UP and I was offered to head a laboratory with no equipment and money.” But needless to say, the young scientist knew she was home.

Dr. de Ungria received a lot of offers to work abroad including UK, China, Singapore and Australia but she still chose to serve her countrymen. Just like the old saying, “There is no place like home.” She could have gone to other countries and made more money but she still opted to serve her nation.

She feels blessed and thought that it’s time to give back through ways where she knows she’s best.

Of all the recognitions she received, she couldn’t compare the happiness that she gets whenever she sees happiness and satisfaction from her parents, friends, family and everyone that she cares about.

Dr. de Ungria knows that her job is an uphill battle to initiate change and there are risks involved but this wouldn’t stop her – because she is one tough woman.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dismayed with Sun Broadband Wireless

I am starting to hate Sun Broadband Wireless Prepaid. This is the 3rd time that i had to go to the Sun Shop to fix my connection issue.

The first time was after I have experienced Intermittent Connection at night, This was during sembreak when i use to spend my whole day streaming videos and reading manga online.

Second time was when my free hours ran out and i had to reload. The message said, "Pls reload immediately." I bought a prepaid card as soon as possible only to find out that i could not reload the card. I was getting a lot of errors. I called tech support after my troubleshooting skills didn't work but i still ended up going to the Sun Shop.

And today, i had to come back again because of error 619. As usual, i troubleshot by uninstalling, unplugging, resetting etc but none of them worked. I thought of giving it a few hours before i try it again but nothing happened. Well, something happened, actually, because i just got frustrated with the service.

It's just unacceptable to have this kind of service that I am paying for. It may be prepaid but I am still a customer. And i am not getting the value of my business with SBW. If this happens again, i will really talk them out of giving me a refund (if possible) or at least replace the modem or the data card they gave me.

In the mean time, i have to have more patience and observe it before i take my next step.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Automotive Embedded Systems Course to be offered soon in UP ITTC

The University of the Philippines Information Technology Training Center (UP ITTC) recently created a proposal to add Automotive Programming System, also known as Automotive Embedded System in their current Embedded Systems Course.

Jose Luzon, Events and Marketing Associate of UP ITTC explains that “an Embedded System is a form of any programming software for a specific device.” A few examples of devices with embedded systems are digital watches, MP3 players, factory controllers and systems controlling nuclear power plants. The Automotive Embedded System is the system used in our modern cars today.

Best described by Dr. William Milam of the Ford Motor Company, “The behaviour of today’s automobile is a product of the embedded systems that control every aspect of its behaviour. From engine to navigation to interior temperature, all depends on software.”

The best part of the proposal is the UP ITTC’s request for Automotive Simulators that will be very helpful for the students as they will be able to experience whatever they have learned in class real time.

The said Simulators will be coming in from Japan and if granted, will be the first ones in the country. The Simulators will be in forms of our modern car fronts today that includes the peripherals such as the steering wheel, dashboard, gauge, gear shifter, wiper, clutch pedal, brake pedal, accelerator etc.

The Automotive Embedded Systems will be incorporated in UP ITTC’s Embedded Systems Track that will run for four 10 week quarters. The cost of studying in UP ITTC, inclusive of training fees, miscellaneous and other incidental fees is P109, 930.00 for one year (1st quarter= P28, 030; 2nd quarter= P28, 400; 3rd quarter= P26,500; 4th quarter= P27, 000).

The said proposal is in cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), one of the major partners of UP ITTC and is expected to run by the 3rd or 4th quarter of 2010.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Why create a blog?

It's one of our course requirements in my class "Writing for Popular Audiences".
I've always wanted to have my own blogsite but never really had the time to create one. The first time i tried to blog was during my friendster days but i was only able to create around 4-5 entries and stopped. Now I hope this one's going to last til i am able to use the computer. It would be so much fun to blabber online.

Coming up with the names
Life is Beautiful
I had a hard time creating the name for this blog but with time pressure, i was able to come up with decent names. In this blog, i will be writing about everything that's worth writing for me. The unrelated articles may be for my writing class. I used Life is Beautiful because that's exactly how i feel about life and that also serves as a reminder of the things that i shouldn't miss while on this mortal life. I believe that there's life after this life and the next. Life is a progress. At least that's what i love to think.

I am the Love Song
I am the Love Song is the meaning of my nickname "Aika" in Japanese. The name Aika is no longer available for a blogsite name so i had to use the meaning instead. I don't have any japanese roots but somehow, my parents and my relatives decided to give me a nickname of Aika.

This blog will be my online journal. I have a true journal at home but i intend to use it for confidential topics only. I'm sure everybody would agree.