Friday, November 27, 2009

Automotive Embedded Systems Course to be offered soon in UP ITTC

The University of the Philippines Information Technology Training Center (UP ITTC) recently created a proposal to add Automotive Programming System, also known as Automotive Embedded System in their current Embedded Systems Course.

Jose Luzon, Events and Marketing Associate of UP ITTC explains that “an Embedded System is a form of any programming software for a specific device.” A few examples of devices with embedded systems are digital watches, MP3 players, factory controllers and systems controlling nuclear power plants. The Automotive Embedded System is the system used in our modern cars today.

Best described by Dr. William Milam of the Ford Motor Company, “The behaviour of today’s automobile is a product of the embedded systems that control every aspect of its behaviour. From engine to navigation to interior temperature, all depends on software.”

The best part of the proposal is the UP ITTC’s request for Automotive Simulators that will be very helpful for the students as they will be able to experience whatever they have learned in class real time.

The said Simulators will be coming in from Japan and if granted, will be the first ones in the country. The Simulators will be in forms of our modern car fronts today that includes the peripherals such as the steering wheel, dashboard, gauge, gear shifter, wiper, clutch pedal, brake pedal, accelerator etc.

The Automotive Embedded Systems will be incorporated in UP ITTC’s Embedded Systems Track that will run for four 10 week quarters. The cost of studying in UP ITTC, inclusive of training fees, miscellaneous and other incidental fees is P109, 930.00 for one year (1st quarter= P28, 030; 2nd quarter= P28, 400; 3rd quarter= P26,500; 4th quarter= P27, 000).

The said proposal is in cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), one of the major partners of UP ITTC and is expected to run by the 3rd or 4th quarter of 2010.

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