Monday, November 23, 2009


Why create a blog?

It's one of our course requirements in my class "Writing for Popular Audiences".
I've always wanted to have my own blogsite but never really had the time to create one. The first time i tried to blog was during my friendster days but i was only able to create around 4-5 entries and stopped. Now I hope this one's going to last til i am able to use the computer. It would be so much fun to blabber online.

Coming up with the names
Life is Beautiful
I had a hard time creating the name for this blog but with time pressure, i was able to come up with decent names. In this blog, i will be writing about everything that's worth writing for me. The unrelated articles may be for my writing class. I used Life is Beautiful because that's exactly how i feel about life and that also serves as a reminder of the things that i shouldn't miss while on this mortal life. I believe that there's life after this life and the next. Life is a progress. At least that's what i love to think.

I am the Love Song
I am the Love Song is the meaning of my nickname "Aika" in Japanese. The name Aika is no longer available for a blogsite name so i had to use the meaning instead. I don't have any japanese roots but somehow, my parents and my relatives decided to give me a nickname of Aika.

This blog will be my online journal. I have a true journal at home but i intend to use it for confidential topics only. I'm sure everybody would agree.

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